Annual Growing Resilient Communities Gathering – June 24 and 25 via Zoom

Passing along an opportunity to attend the 3rd Annual Growing Resilient Communities conference. It is being held June 24th and June 25th from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. both days. There are keynote speakers and breakout groups that will be addressing several topics.

Attached is the program agenda. There is a registration link within the program agenda or you can access it here.

Registration is free.

Event Agenda:

Wednesday, June 24th: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon)

  • 9:00 am9:30 am: Gathering Welcome
  • 9:30 am10:30 am: Growing Resilient Communities in the Time of COVID-19 & Beyond
  • 10:45 am 12:00 pm (noon): Breakout Session (3 options)
  • Trauma across Generations: The Impact of Historical Trauma with Sam Simmons
  • Loving What Is: Grief as a Path to Joy with Drake Powe
  • A Deeper Dive into the 2019 Minnesota Student Survey & Other Data Sources with Melissa Adolfson & Jacquie Freund
  • 12:15 pm1:15 pm: Sector/Topic Area Networking Lunch

Thursday, June 25th: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon)

  • 9:00 am10:15 am: Breakout Session (3 options)
  • Tools & Practices to Strengthen Individual & Collective Resilience with Susan Beaulieu
  • Health Disparities & COVID-19: The Political Determinants of Health with Dr. Antonia Apolinario-Wilcoxon
  • Findings from the 100 Cups of Coffee Interview Project Pilot with Melissa Adolfson & Jacquie Freund
  • 10:30 am12:00 pm (noon): KEYNOTE Safety & Self-Healing in Place with Laura Porter
  • 12:15 pm1:15 pm: Tribal Partner Community Members Networking Lunch

Growing-Resilient-Communities-PDF-program (1).pdf