The name of this Coalition shall be hereafter referred to as: HOPE Coalition
Mission Statement: We are a group of individuals, businesses and agencies committed to ending death by suicide in northwest Minnesota through HOPE: HELP, OUTREACH, PREVENTION, & EDUCATION
- Zero death by suicide
- Increase outreach and educational activities
- Increase awareness of how each individual in northwest Minnesota can access services
Organization: The HOPE Coalition will consist of individuals residing in, working in or committed to ending death by suicide in Kittson, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, and Roseau Counties in NW Minnesota.
Membership: The HOPE Coalition representation shall consist of a broad range of members and will not be limited by number to include as diverse representation in the NW8 as possible. The Coalition shall seek representation from the following community sectors:
- Law Enforcement
- Schools
- Public Health
- Social Services
- Faith Based Leaders
- Mental Health Providers
- Primary Care Providers
- Veterans
- People with Lived Experience
- Government
- Substance Use Disorder Providers
- Physical Healthcare Providers
Member Responsibilities:
- Be a community leader amongst your represented
- Bring back Coalition efforts to your community and sector in which you
- Help assess community needs and identify existing
- Contribute to the strategic planning process and Action Plan
- Participate in sustaining the coalition’s capacity, involvement and
- Attend as many meetings as possible.
- Promote and recruit coalition supporters and
- Bring forward any funding opportunities to the coalition
Executive Committee: The Executive committee shall be composed of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Coordinator.
Ad hoc Committees: The chair of the Coalition may appoint ad hoc committees as necessary. Each ad hoc committee will give a progress report to the coalition at the next regular meeting. The committee shall establish goals toward meeting the specific purpose for which appointed. When the committee has completed the work for which it was appointed, the committee shall give a final report to the coalition at the next regular meeting.
Officers: Coalition members shall elect at a minimum a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson annually. A treasurer and secretary may also be elected.
Chairperson: The chair of the HOPE Coalition shall serve one-year term. The chair shall lead the strategic planning and ongoing planning of implementation of suicide prevention initiatives for the coalition. The chair shall oversee all committees and workgroups of the coalition.
- Lead all full Coalition meetings and activities
- Oversee the work of all of the committees and workgroups formed by the coalition
- Work with the Vice-Chair and Coordinator to set meetings, prepare agendas and shaping the specific work of the coalition in relation to the mission of the coalition
- Appoint Ad hoc meetings as needed
- Act as a spokesperson for the coalition as needed
- Become knowledgeable about the Coalition and suicide prevention efforts
- Lead the ongoing process of recruitment of new Coalition members and community partners
Vice-Chairperson: The designated vice-chair of the HOPE Coalition shall serve one-year term in the appointed position and then move up to the chair position in the subsequent year. The vice-chair shall assist the chair in leading the strategic planning and implementation of suicide prevention initiatives for the coalition. The vice- chair shall also assist the chair with overseeing all committees and workgroups of the Coalition.
- The vice-chair shall assume the duties of the chair in his/her absence to lead the full Coalition meetings and activities
- Support the chair to oversee the work of all of the committees and work groups formed by the coalition
- Support the Coalition Chair and Coordinator with setting meetings, preparing agendas and shaping the specific work of the coalition in relation to the mission of the coalition
- Act as a spokesperson for the Coalition as required
- Become knowledgeable about the Coalition and suicide prevention efforts
- Support the ongoing process of recruitment of new Coalition members and community partners
Treasurer: The designated treasurer of the HOPE Coalition shall serve a one-year term. The treasurer shall participate in the strategic planning and ongoing planning and implementation of suicide prevention initiatives for the coalition. The treasure is responsible for bringing recommendations to the group of how to utilize funding as well as organize and promote charity events to help raise money for the coalition.
- Review financials with the coalition members at the monthly meetings
- Make recommendations to the group on how to utilize funds
- Organize and promote events to help raise money and/or seek grant funding for the coalition
- Support the Coalition Chair and Coordinator with setting meetings, preparing agendas and shaping the specific work of the coalition in relation to the mission of the coalition
- Act as a spokesperson for the Coalition as required
- Become knowledgeable about the Coalition and suicide prevention efforts
- Support the ongoing process of recruitment of new Coalition members and community partners
Secretary: The designated secretary of the HOPE Coalition shall serve a one-year term. The secretary shall participate in the strategic planning and ongoing planning and implementation of suicide prevention initiatives for the coalition. The secretary is responsible for assuring all agendas are completed and sent out to the coalition two days prior to each meeting as well as ensure all minutes are completed, reviewed and posted to the website.
- Ensure all agendas are prepared and sent out to the coalition two days prior to each meeting
- Record, review and post minutes to the HOPE Coalition website
- Support the Officers with setting meetings, preparing agendas and shaping the specific work of the coalition in relation to the mission of the coalition
- Act as a spokesperson for the Coalition as required
- Become knowledgeable about the Coalition and suicide prevention efforts
- Support the ongoing process of recruitment of new Coalition members and community partners
Coordinator: The Coordinator shall assist all officers in the strategic planning and ongoing planning and implementation of suicide prevention initiatives for the coalition. The Coordinator will assist the secretary in assuring all agendas are completed and sent out to the coalition two days prior to each meeting as well as ensure all minutes are completed, reviewed and posted to the website. The Coordinator shall assume all Secretary and Treasurer Responsibilities if one is not elected in a given year.
- Ensure all agendas are prepared and sent out to the coalition two days prior to each meeting
- Assist secretary in recording, reviewing and posting minutes to the HOPE Coalition website
- Support the Officers with setting meetings, preparing agendas and shaping the specific work of the coalition in relation to the mission of the coalition
- Act as a spokesperson for the Coalition as required
- Become knowledgeable about the Coalition and suicide prevention efforts
- Support the ongoing process of recruitment of new Coalition members and community partners
Meetings: The Coalition will meet monthly to conduct official business. Official business will include but not limited to: committee reports, discussion of projects, planning of trainings, creating ad hoc committees, bylaw review, etc.
Decisions: All decisions will be reached by consensus of the coalition with a majority vote of members present.
The HOPE Coalition members shall whenever possible authorize spending of coalition funding. In the event of an emergency or there is a limited timeframe for decision, the Chairperson may authorize up to $1,000 in spending that is aligned coalition strategic plan and within budget. Updates on spending will be included in the monthly financial reports presented by the fiscal host.
The HOPE Coalition as a volunteer group of community members has established relationships with individual entities to serve as fiscal hosts of financial resources received by donations, grants, foundations and others as needed. The Northwestern Mental Health Centers shall serve as the fiscal host of the HOPE Coalition. The fiscal hosts will account for, manage and report on the revenue, expenditures and balances of HOPE Coalition funding. Grants will be managed and reported against the terms of the established plans and requirements. Fiscal hosts shall dispense funds within the parameters established by the HOPE Coalition and in accordance with applicable accounting principles, discretionary/non-discretionary funding parameters or authorization of the committee.
Whenever an officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the coalition, the affected person shall a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting on the matter.
Amendments: The HOPE Coalition will review these By-laws for revisions on an annual basis. The Coalition at a regularly scheduled meeting must approve any changes in the By-laws. Amendments can be recommended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Coalition and approved by consensus of the Coalition.